
Our Steel Strip Cutting lines allow for machining of thicknesses from 0.3 mm to 6.0 mm with a maximum width of 1600 mm

The hallmarks of Chiminello S.r.l. steel strip cutting are the cutting precision, which dimensionally goes well beyond the tolerances required by UNI EN standards, and the management of the post-cut material through a packaging system that preserves the material and guards against impact.

One of our key aims at Chiminello F.lli  is to provide a product that facilitates the customer in the material’s intended production phases in all its aspects including the mechanical, technical and dimensional characteristics, while aiming to maintain consistency between the different supplies.

05 / 02 / 23
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
20 / 10 / 22
New web site
20 / 10 / 22
Company expansion

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